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Study MBBS in Binzhou Medical Uni in Spring 2018
By Stella on 2017-11-13

BinZhou Medical University

Location: Binzhou city, Shandong province

MBBS for Spring 2018

(A) Tuition: 18,000 yuan / school year

(B) application fee: 400 yuan / person 

(C) accommodation: 5,000 yuan / person / school year (double room) 10,000 yuan / person / school year (single room)

(D) teaching materials fee: 800 yuan / person / school year 

(E) insurance: 800 yuan / person / school year 


The school sets up scholarships, annual study of excellent students (excluding First-year freshmen and graduating students), including principal's scholarship, outstanding student's scholarship and individual scholarship.

(1) Principal scholarship: Used to reward outstanding students, the reward is the next school year’s tuition fee

(2) Outstanding Student Scholarship: This scholarship is divided into first, second and third-class scholarships, which are assessed according to the overall quality of the academic year. One of the first-class scholarships 3,000 yuan; second-class scholarships 2,000 yuan; third-class scholarships 1,000 yuan.

(3) Individual Scholarship: It is used to reward students who are outstanding in organizational management, sports activities and other unilateral performance. Five individual scholarships are set up including organizational management, literary and artistic expertise, sports specialty, advanced health and special contribution. Individual scholarship is 300 yuan

IF you wanna apply MBBS for 2018 spring

Pls contact :


Wechat: StudyinChina1


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